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Selection of Shoes at the Salvation Army Store
Selection of Shoes at the Salvation Army Store
17"x 23"

Selection of Shoes at the Salvation Army Store, linocut, 1974

1975; Clyde Bertrand Gallery, Stockton
1st Annual College Art Exhibition, Fresno Art Center
Lodi Art Show, Second Award, Graphics
California State Fair Art Exhibition, Sacramento

This is the print that starting the ball rolling for me. It was
accepted into many shows and was featured in several newspapers.
Many folks have it in their collections.
I was living in a small house with two roommates, just two blocks
away from a small Salvation Army Store on E Street, downtown Sacramento. One day while roaming about I was struck by the many rows of old decrepit shoes. I went back several times and made many sketches. Bill F. Williams had given me a large piece of battleship linoleum---so I pulled it out, gathered carving tools on the cramped kitchen table and went to work over a weekend, while roommates were away.
Before I arrived in Sacramento, I was already a big fan of
Wayne Thiebaud. One of his paintings that made a real impression
on me was a storefront window filled with cigars and cigar boxes.
It was kind of like the dark painting by Van Gogh of old boots.

Not too many years ago, I was fortunate enough to meet Mr. Thiebaud,
it was at a show at the Crocker Museum featuring the work of a most
excellent artist and old friend, Don Reich. Thiebaud, walked up to me and introduced himself, shook my hand and stood for several minutes. At the time, at over 90 years of age, he was incredibly spry, full of energy and sharply articulate.
I feel silly revealing that I was so awestruck by the man, I just sort
of froze, finally mumbled a few words...and all of the questions that I had about his work over the years... still remain unanswered.