Portfolio > Film/Television/Theatrical Projects

Robocop 2
Robocop 2

Robocop 2, feature film, Houston, TX 1989-90
A grueling three month torture/adventure with many
verbal wrestling matches with members of the crew.

Top is one of many murals painting around the town
for coverage. This was one of the few that I was able
to paint a la Mexican artist, Posada. My role was more supervisory
with a large crew of scenics and painters, etc. Mainly I supervised and
drove around Houston checking in on various projects. Sometimes
I was able to get a few licks in as scenic, for example, ageing
the bones of Elvis Presley for a special set display for production
designer, Peter Jamison. Or while a group of novice scenics stoodby;
I instructed them as to how to paint a huge wooden non-magnet with
acrylic to look like a greasy used magnet to lift Robocop.

Bottom image is of a constructed facade in downtown
Houston. There were oodles of abandoned/empty buildings
to choose from at the time. However this was built
and covered with fake brick, then painted and aged down by my crew.
We had a hell of a time one day, when a huge lightning
bolt hit the pavement near the stairs, but that's a
story for another time.