Fine Art Portfolio > My (humble) ART Collection (Selected)

'A Battle Between the Hernici and Romans' by Jost Amman
'A Battle Between the Hernici and Romans' by Jost Amman

Jost Amman (aka Jost Ammon) (1539–1591)

“A Battle Between the Hernici and Romans”, 1572, woodcut illustration to Livy’s (aka Titus Livius) (59 BC–AD 17), “Titi Livii Patavini Romanæ historiæ principis libri omnes qvotqvot ad nostram ætatem peruenerunt …” (aka “Scenes from Livy, representing the principle events of Roman history in a skillful and lifelike manner and elucidated by Philip Lonicer in succinct verses”